97,276 -1,257
101,224 -1,461

+7 (473) 257-38-03


Prices for legal services

Legal Services for Individuals

- Legal consulting

Oral consultation

300 rubles


Written consultation


from 500 rubles


- Legal examination of the documents submitted by a Client

Examination of contracts and other documents

from 1 500 rubles


- Drawing up treaties, agreements, contracts and related documents

purchase and sale, rent, loan, deed of gift, labour contract, marriage contract etc.

from 500 to 3 000 rubles


- Representation in court

Preparation of statements of claim, complaints, petitions and other procedural documents

from 1 500 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)

Representation of interests in courts of general jurisdiction

from 3 500 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)


In cases related to administrative offenses (art.12.15 ("oncoming", "No entry" sign), art.12.8 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation ("alcoholic intoxication"))

from 5 000 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)

Representation of interests in courts of arbitration

from 5 000 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)

Case study in any judicial instances

from 1 000 rubles

(depending on the volume of material)


- Pre-trial dispute resolution

Preparation of pre-trial claims

from 1 000 rubles

A lawyer’s participation in negotiations

from 3 000 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)


- Conduct of an inheritance case


Collecting documents for registration of inheritance of apartments, houses, land, cars, cash deposits, shares

from 3 000 rubles

-   Services in the field of real estate and land matters

Collecting documents in the bodies of BTI and Cadastral Chamber, support of purchase and sale transactions, gift transfers of land plots, commercial real estate (retail space, offices, warehouses, etc)., residential real estate (apartments, houses), including state registration, registration of property rights, privatization, etc.

from 1 500 rubles


- Reimbursement (recovery) of debts                                  

Reimbursement (recovery) of debts from individuals

from 2 500 rubles


- Execution proceeding

Legal support of execution proceeding, compulsory execution of the court’s decision, solution of any issues connected with the bailiff service

from 5 000 rubles


- Administrative proceeding (administrative violations)

Representation of interests while making an appeal against decisions in respect of individual citizens, individual enterprises, legal entities

from 5 000 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)


- Protectionofconsumerrights


Preparation of documents, drafting complaints, claims, recourse to a court

from 2 000 rubles


- Personal lawyer 24 hours a day

Services for private customers 24 hours a day



- Legal consulting

(oral or written legal advice on any matters related to the activities of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur )

-Consultation by the phone, on-line consultation

 (legal advice on a legal issue, preliminary analysis of the situation, recommendations)


-Oral consultation at a personal meeting


(detailed analysis of a legal situation, analysis of documents, preplanning of legal position, discussion of prospects for the case, recommendations for the algorithm of the client’s further actions).

Consultations are provided both in the office of “Business Solutions” company and in the office of a client

1 000 rubles

- Written consultation with preparation of a conclusion

(study of the materials, legal analysis of the situation, review of legislation, development of an algorithm for further actions)

Written consultations can be provided by e-mail

from 1 000 rubles


- Arbitration. Representationincourt

Preparation of statements of claim, complaints, petitions and other procedural documents

from 1 500 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)

Representation of interests in courts of arbitration

from 5 000 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)

Representation of interests in courts of general jurisdiction

from 3 500 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)

Case study in any judicial instances

from 1 000 rubles

(depending on the volume of material)


-Pre-trial dispute resolution

(preparation of claims, participation in negotiations)

Preparation of a pre-trial claim

from 1 000 rubles

A lawyer’s participation in negotiations

from 3 000 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)


- Legal examination of the documents submitted by a Client

(examination of treaties, contracts, agreements, company charters, official records etc.)

Examination of contracts and other documents

from 1 500 rubles


- Drawing up treaties, agreements, contracts and related documents

(purchase and sale, delivery, rent, loan, lease contracts, labour contract etc.)

from 1 500 rubles


- Registration and liquidation of companies

(registration and liquidation of individual enterprises, LLC, JSC, preparation of all the documents necessary for registration)

Registration of an individual enterprise on a “turn-key” basis   

5000 rubles

Preparation of documents for an individual enterprise registration

1 000 rubles

Registration of a LLC on a “turn-key” basis   

10 000 rubles

Preparation of documents for a LLC registration

3 000 rubles

Registration of an OJSC on a “turn-key” basis   

15 000 rubles

Preparation of documents for an OJSC registration

3 000 rubles

Registration of a CJSC on a “turn-key” basis   

15 000 rubles

Preparation of documents for a CJSC registration

3 000 rubles

Closure of an individual enterprise

2 500 rubles

Liquidation of a LLC

from 15 000 rubles

Liquidation by means of sale

from 20 000 rubles

Liquidation by means of capital increase 

from 20 000 rubles

Liquidation by merger of enterprises

from 30 000 rubles

Liquidation of a CJSC

from 30 000 rubles

Bankruptcy of an enterprise



(the prices do not include official payments)


- Registration of amendments to incorporation documents

Change of founding members of an organization, change of corporate name, change of an organization’s address of location, increase of authorized capital, bringing JSC, LLC incorporation documents to conformity, change of   activities (GCEAC codes), change of directors, change of passport data of a member or administrator

7 500 rubles


- Registration of oversea companies

Registration of offshore and onshore companies, preparation of all necessary documents


(the price is determined by the volume of work performed)


- Registration of non-profit organizations (NPO)

(establishments, unions, associations etc.)

Registration of a NPO on a “turn-key” basis   


  1. 15 000 rubles


Preparation of documents for a NPO registration

  1. 3 000 rubles


Liquidation of a NPO

from 30 000 rubles

(the prices do not include official payments)


- Trade-mark registration

Registration of trade-marks

from 15000 rubles

(the price does not include official payments)


- Registration of mass-media

Registration of printed magazines, newspapers etc.

from 10 000 rubles

(the price does not include official payments)


- Support of purchase and sale transactions with LLC, OJSC, CJSC shares

Support of transactions

from 10 000 rubles


- Reimbursement of debts                     

Recovery of debts from individuals, legal entities, oversea companies

from 10 000 rubles

- Purchase of debts

Purchase of debts (receivables)



- Services in the field of real estate and land matters


Collecting documents in the bodies of BTI and Cadastral Chamber, support of purchase and sale transactions of land plots, commercial real estate (retail space, offices, warehouses, etc)., including state registration, registration of property rights, support for registration of lease contracts, privatization, etc.

from 1 500 rubles

(the price does not include official payments)


- Execution proceeding

Legal support of execution proceeding, compulsory execution of a court’s decision

from 5 000 rubles


- Administrative proceeding (administrative violation disputes)

Representation of interests while making an appeal against decisions in respect of individual enterprises, legal entities

from 5000 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)


- Representation of a Client’s interests in public organs

Representation of interests, protection of interests of an enterprise during inspections made by public authorities

from 5000 rubles

(per day of a specialist employment)


- Legal subscription service

Complex legal support of individual enterprises, LLC, JSC that includes dealing with various issues and tasks

from 5000 rubles a month


- Assessment of all kinds of property

Business, real estate, equipment, vehicles, investment projects, intellectual property, receivables, securities, lease rates


(depending on the volume of work performed)

Brief assessment of property without report preparation and client consultation is free


- Accounting support of enterprises

Accounting support of enterprises



- Personnel records keeping

Drawing up internal work regulations, job descriptions, regulations on compensation, orders,   instructions etc.



- Services for private customers

Personal lawyer 24 hours a day
